Sonntag, Juli 22, 2012

Magic Lantern *NEWS*

Update: Marcus Waterloo just posted a review on :)
Results from the first round of testing were very promising. We have fixed the few issues reported to us, fine-tuned the internals, and now are ready for the second round of testing.

This time we'd like you to try it in demanding scenarios, stress the camera and push the software, try as many options as you can in all combinations and configurations, then answer this question:

Is Magic Lantern ready for pro use? Are we there yet?

If the answers tend towards a solid YES, the stable 2.3 release will be available on July 23, 2012, free as in speech, for all of our supporters. Three weeks later, on August 13, it will become free as in beer, for everyone else.

We are committed to turning Magic Lantern into a rock solid piece of engineering, and your help and support are moving us closer to that every day.
Similar to RC1, ML 2.3 RC2 works on Canon 5D Mark II 2.1.2, 550D 1.0.9, 60D 1.1.1, 600D 1.0.2, 50D 1.0.9 and 500D 1.1.1, and is available to our supporters. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Magic Lantern (ML) for Canon DSLR cameras has evolved to a mature and stable product, having already thousands of users. However, information and documentation is scattered in many different places: wikia, vimeo group forum, google group , bitbucket issue tracker, flickr group, youtube tutorials, ML twitter and ML discussion threads in many forums and blog posts around the world.
With this situation, issues and ideas are only available in one of those media and not shared with all users. will take the lead and provide a clear place where people from all sorts of backgrounds meet up. Where artistic film makers meet software engineers and everything in-between. This portal will provide news and articles that vary from common practices to technical insights. Magic Lantern is not just an extra menu with loads of settings to increase and decrease. It needs to mean something in the hands of a filmmaker. Therefore the articles will emphasize on WHY and HOW to use the feature in the field. How to reproduce that great image. We will work on interviews with very experienced users and what they got out of Magic Lantern. Or show how specialists like wedding, sports, wildlife film makers setup their camera to get their best shot in time. Show how astro photographers make those milky way shots. We will work on step by step video tutorials on how to make HDR timelapses and what to do with the 1200 photo's on your card afterwards.

Startup phase

The portal is currently in startup phase. It means a working site structure is made, but it lacks much content for now. Getting good content takes much time. A lot of information is already written about Magic Lantern features. But they need to be updated and adapted to fit on this site. We decided to go live now, because there are many exciting developments we like to share and now we have a steady release platform and a discussion forum.
You can get involved with the many tasks and we invite you to help build a great community. Start by registering on the forum and talk to us and each other. Tell us what you want or provide constructive feedback on how to improve content. We need this information to prioritize what content to work on and how to spend our limited developer time. We really hope to build a great community and inspire each other. Of course, donating is a great way to contribute and provides us with more time to develop, create content and improve the quality of support.
And We? We are team ML, just a handful of enthusiast filmmakers, photo enthusiasts and developers who think Magic Lantern deserves a central community platform and will put a lot of energy in accomplishing just that.

    The Website

Donnerstag, Juli 12, 2012

**NEWS **

So Leute !
 Bevor es für mich und meine Frau in den Urlaub geht, wollte ich euch noch mal auf den
ADOBE CREATIVE SUMMER aufmerksahm machen der vom 16 Juli bis zum 19 August statt finden wird. Nähere infos dazu findet ihr Hier.
Es werden tolle Sachen geboten also unbedingt mal rein Klicken. Ansonsten habe ich für euch noch ein paar Bilder die in der Nähe von Gießen entstanden sind.
 Ich wünsche euch einen höffentlich schönen Sommerurlaub.

Sonntag, Juli 01, 2012

Samstag, Juni 30, 2012

Am vergangenen Wochenende gab es ein kleines Frankfurter Fotoshooting .mit zwei Freunden (Danke an Paddy und Stefan ) Wir haben unsere Kamera's eingepackt, eine kleine "to do Liste" und haben sie abgearbeitet .Was bei heraus kam könnnt ihr euch bei Flickr anschauen 

Dies ist ein Flickr Modul mit Elementen aus dem Album Helaba Shoot. Ihr eigenes Modul können Sie hier erstellen.

Donnerstag, Mai 03, 2012

Zwei Europa ( Turm )

Manschmal muss man einfach mal genauer hinschauen um neue Sachen zu entdecken. Bin Heute nach dem Feierabend los gezogen, und habe den Ginheimer Spargel neu entdeckt.
Hoffe es gefällt euch.

Dienstag, Mai 01, 2012

617 Starterinnen und Starter:
Neuer Rekord bei der 6. Rhein-Main Skate Challenge

Quer durch den Vordertaunus, einmal durch die Finanzmetropole und wieder zurück nach Eschborn führte die 6. Auflage der Rhein-Main Skate-Challenge, bei der in diesem Jahr 20 Nationen am Start waren, darunter unter anderem auch Spitzenskater aus den führenden Speedskating-Nationen wie Korea oder Kolumbien. Ich habe hier ein paar Bilder